Bridging the Gap between Science and Spirituality
Testing for Psychokinesis
The PSI Wheel
Many people have approached the Rhine indicating that they are able to produce movement in physical objects using only their intention or the influence of their thoughts. This is a very intriguing idea, and for years people have claimed this ability.
The Rhine does not provide any certification or verification of an individual’s ability to perform psychokinesis. The Rhine is focused on academic research and the creation of new technologies or applications for information gained through the academic study of PSI.
If you believe that you are able to produce psychokinetic activity, the Rhine may be interested in studying this ability. Before contacting the Rhine, we ask that you perform the following tests at home in order to verify that the activity is not due to factors that may have been overlooked in your previous demonstrations.

Create a PSI Wheel (or a pin wheel)
You will need a normal pencil eraser, a toothpick or a needle that has not been magnetized, and a fan made from paper or aluminum foil. Here is one example of how to make this type of wheel:
Protect the wheel from the influence of air currents
Place the entire wheel inside of a sealed environment. One option is to cover the wheel with a glass or plastic jar. Another is to use a large bowl or even a fish tank. The key is to prevent any air flow from penetrating the environment whether purposeful or not.
Protect the wheel from the influence of static electricity
Provide a method for grounding or avoiding static from influencing the experiment.
Try to move the wheel in more than one direction.
When you attempt to move the wheel, move it clockwise, stop it, and move it counterclockwise. A variety of movements will help to demonstrate the wheel is moving as a result of your intention.
Try to move the wheel from a distance
Move across the room and try this test again. Move into another room. Set up a webcam in one room and watch it from another room using Skype. Try to see if distance affects the process.
Find a good camera and create a video of your experiment
In your video,
- Document the construction of the wheel,
- Document the protections that you are using to avoid the influence of air, static, or other influences.
- Document the entire environment around the wheel, including yourself and how you will be positioned in relation to the wheel.
- Record the video with a wide shot that shows the entire environment and shows the wheel moving. Also use the zoom feature to show the wheel moving in both directions.
If you are able to complete each of these steps successfully, contact the Rhine at A researcher will contact you to make arrangements to get a copy of your video for further analysis.