Bridging the Gap between Science and Spirituality
Online Rhine Research Team
Wednesdays at 3pm, Eastern
If you are not familiar with Zoom or the methods to join Rhine meetings, please review this information. You may print it out so that it is available to you during the meeting.
Rhine Research Team meetings occur nearly every Wednesdays at 3pm Eastern US.
There is a great interest in the research going on in the field of parapsychology. The researchers and associates of the Rhine Research Center meet on Wednesdays at 3pm Eastern time to discuss the topics they have been exploring and learning about.
Originally set up as a way to review the contents of journals and online articles, the Rhine Research Team now gathers to provide information to the public about scientific parapsychology and discuss methods to improve and refine testing and analysis techniques.
These meetings are currently open to the public, but donations are encourage to support the operations of the Rhine and provide better forums for research and education.
The group focuses on the scientific aspects of parapsychology. If you are interested in discussing your experiences you may attend the PEG meetings, the Dream Studies Group, or the Remote Viewing group that meet at the Rhine.
This week's meeting will be a special event with a guest speaker.
You can learn more about this event by going to the Events Calendar and clicking on todays date.
To join this event, click here and follow the instructions.
This event is a donation based event, so please consider contributing to the Rhine to allow us to continue to offer these unique opportunities to our community all over the world.
The Rhine Research Team will not meet during the holiday season. We will return on January 8th and meet at our normal time. Enjoy the holidays!