Bridging the Gap between Science and Spirituality

What is Parapsychology?
Parapsychology is the scientific study of interactions between living organisms and their external environment that seem to transcend the known physical laws of nature. Parapsychology is a component of the broader study of consciousness and the mind. Parapsychologists study 5 broad areas:
Telepathy – mind to mind communication through a means other than the normal senses.
Clairvoyance or Remote Viewing – knowledge of objects, people, or events that are hidden via space or time. For example, an object hidden in a box in a different room, a photograph sealed in an envelope, an event that is occurring to a loved one who is thousands of miles away, or the characteristics of a room that only existed in the past.
Precognition – knowledge of an event that has not yet occurred, or information that appears to be transferred from the future into the present.
PK or Psychokinesis – Mind interacting with matter at a distance. Mind interactions with living systems (including energetic healing) are sometimes included in this category.
Survival Studies – The nature of human consciousness and an examination of whether consciousness survives the physical form. This includes near-death experiences (NDE), mediumship research, reincarnation, out-of-body experiences (OBE), apparitions and hauntings.

Psi is at once the spiritual, immaterial component of the human personality and at the same time, a new energetic element in nature.
J.B. Rhine
Biology, Emotions, and Psi
Exploring the physiology of participants who are demonstrating psi can help us to understand the unconscious activities in the body that appear to contribute to psi. For example, when people become anxious, their heart rate and skin conductance will change while the participant may not even notice these changes. By monitoring the physiology of participants while they are performing psi activities in the lab, we can learn about the mechanisms of psi and why it can sometimes appear inconsistently in controlled studies.
Two current projects are planned to explore the physiological and emotional factors that will help us to better understand psi. One project is exploring the relationship between bioenergy and physical factors like heart rate variability, body temperature, electrodermal activity, and blood flow. The second project is measuring similar factors and relating them to emotional experiences and unconscious effects on electronic devices.
Research at The Rhine
After 85 years of academic research in the Rhine lab and elsewhere in the field of parapsychology, researchers at the Rhine recognize that psi is real, repeatable, and observable in controlled scientific experiments. No further proof is needed to demonstrate the existence of ESP or mind-matter interaction, and research efforts should be focused on the mechanisms that enable these events and the psychology of people who have these experiences.
Research at the Rhine is focused on the lived experiences of people who describe psi events including mind-matter interaction and energy healing. Researchers are also exploring the cognitive processes that are involved in ESP perception, whether conscious or unconscious. In addition, Rhine researchers are using the latest technology to examine environmental and physical forces that may be the underlying force or energy behind distance healing, chi energy, or even mind-matter interaction.
Journal of Parapsychology
From its beginning in 1937, the Journal of Parapsychology has been recognized worldwide as an authoritative resource for anyone interested in the scientific study of paranormal phenomena. J. B. Rhine and William McDougall of the famed Duke University Parapsychology Lab established the Journal of Parapsychology to share experimental research findings with the scientific community. Their strict criteria for evaluating research reports remain in place today through peer review.
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Online Rhine Research Team
Rhine Research Team meetings occur nearly every Wednesday at 3pm Eastern US.
There is a great interest in the research going on in the field of parapsychology. The researchers and associates of the Rhine Research Center meet on Wednesdays at 3pm Eastern time to discuss the topics they have been exploring and learning about.
Originally set up as a way to review the contents of journals and online articles, the Rhine Research Team now gathers to provide information to the public about scientific parapsychology and discuss methods to improve and refine testing and analysis techniques.
These meetings are currently open to the public, but donations are encouraged to support the operations of the Rhine and provide better forums for research and education.
The group focuses on the scientific aspects of parapsychology. If you are interested in discussing your experiences you may attend the PEG meetings, the Dream Studies Group, or the Remote Viewing Group that meets at the Rhine.

Support research at The Rhine
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Payments can also be made by credit card and check. Please contact the Rhine office at 919-309-4600.
The Rhine Research Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible as allowable by law.