Bridging the Gap between Science and Spirituality
Becoming a Gifted Research Participant
The Rhine fosters a strong community for people who have paranormal experiences or who express abilities that are not normally studied in the traditional sciences. The Psychic Experiences Group meets at the Rhine every month, and it provides a safe and confidential forum for the discussion of experiences with others who have had personal experiences of their own. You can learn more about the Psychic Experiences Group by clicking this link.
There are many people who are gifted and who have unusual experiences. The Rhine is one of the only scientific research facilities in the world that studies these individuals in a carefully controlled scientific manner. We welcome connections with individuals who have had experiences, but we are not always able to provide the resources to carefully study each case that is reported.
If you believe that you have abilities or experiences that may benefit the Rhine research community, please consider attending a meeting of the Psychic Experiences Group and review the information below.
Important Note:
The Rhine does not certify the skills or abilities of any individual. There are many organizations that claim to sponser psychic challenges that require a certification of your skills. The Rhine is a scientific organization that is interested in the advancement of knowledge through academic pursuits. The Rhine does not believe that these challenges represent an unbiased and scientific analysis of psi abilities, and so the Rhine does not provide certifications for these challenges.